What is a Tech Stack?

A tech stack is the combination of hardware, software, methodologies and tools used to build a web or mobile app. It consists of the front end (client-side) and back end (server-side) technologies.

It includes

  • programming languages
  • frameworks
  • libraries
  • servers
  • software
By definition a ‘full-stack’ developer should be able to develop at every layer of the stack. lol.
‘Tech Stack’ sounds impressive and it’s fun to say in meetings, but why do the web and mobile developers get to have all the fun? 

Well not anymore!

Not too long ago, some clever CEO’s realised they didn’t need ‘web developers’ anymore, because they could just copy paste from stack overflow, or get an AI to code for them… and that’s when everyone got their own tech stack.


There are tried and trusted ‘tech stacks’ for specific use-cases, workloads, budgets…

Using a battle tested stack can cut development time, reduce operational costs, and help you dodge common pitfalls. 

A stack helps business owners, investors, employees and suppliers get on the same page.

It should be considered when defining Standard Operating Procedures and it can highlight the benefits, costs, capabilities and short comings of the business.

We’ve come to rely on cloud based productivity tools and subscription services to help run our businesses. In that spirit I’ve tried to include all off the tools and services we use at Teracore in our ‘tech stack.’

If people know what you use, then it’s easier to do business with you!

It’s easier to service your clients if the software and processes you use are standardised across your company.

It’s easier to hire people because they know what skills they need to work with your tech stack.

It’s easier to find suppliers that already use the same tools you do, which means faster on-boarding and more opportunities to collaborate.

There are many examples of different ‘stacks’ that you can implement in your business.

When choosing new tech to add to your stack, you should aim for tools and services that have; an active developer community, a large customer base, or is highly rated for their level of support.

Tools that meet these requirements generally have higher adoption rates. Wider adoption means there are more people learning how to use, develop, and support these services.

This reduces the risk of you building a key component of your business around a tool that might not be around for very long.


Tech Stack analysis
Hexometer and builtwith.com let you scan websites and see their tech stacks.

Browse some company tech stacks at:
https://tools.stacklist.com/or https://stackshare.io/

What we use at Teracore

This list was generated with https://stackshare.io/, check it out!

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